This article below is claiming that there has been an revolutionary discovery of 'Free Energy', 'E cat', that is on par with: ...the invention of the radio, the Internet, the light bulb and the atom bomb
And yet, and yet, have you heard about this 'big story' from any mainstream media?... No?
eCat Censorship: AP News Report Killed Off
The Associated Press have been sitting on the Andrea Rossi World Exclusive for 4 days now. If you ever wondered if your media was controlled, then surely you have your answer now.In fact, other news coverage live from the event was apparently curtailed to give AP their supposed "exclusive". You need to get angry about this and start holding those people to account, because this is Chinese style information censoring in it's purest form.On Friday, an event that could possibly change the course of human history occurred, but unless you are one of a small contingent, you would be forgiven for knowing absolutely nothing about it. A 1MW cold fusion reactor designed and built by Italian Andrea Rossi was successfully tested in Bologna, Italy. For over 5 hours it self-sustained producing 470Kwh / p/h with no input power. If this is not worthy of a news story, then I don't know what it.The old Pons And Fleischmann ArgumentBlaming the previous history of Pons and Fleischmann for the lack of news coverage, and that somehow the media are reluctant to look stupid, is a tired and limp argument that is consistently regurgitated by people who refuse to wake up to the truth that they live in an information prison. It's a convenient excuse, dragged out by mainstream apologists who refuse to believe what they know deep down.On the day of Friday Oct 28th, AP (Associated Press) were flying in a reporter, supposedly from New York to cover the momentous event. Even then, the word is that they had to have their arm twisted to even show up, but someone did turn up in the form of Peter Svensson, Technology Writer for the Associated Press, NY, who told Sterling Allan that "the reason the mainstream press hasn't been covering this is because Rossi has been very picky about who he lets in".Rossi BlamedWell, even if it were true that Rossi was being selective about which media he allowed to be present, the fact remains that AP WERE THERE, THEY DID GET IN and they DID get the "exclusive" on the night, so the only thing holding themselves back from publishing it NOW is what precisely?American Reporter Gets The Brush Off From APOnline newspaper "American Reporter" has been following the eCat story also. Editor in Chief Joe Shea made enquiries to AP and was given the runaround also:"This reporter, in fact, was warned by someone named Jerome on its national desk in the early hours of Saturday morning not to be too quick to believe an A.P. Reporter was there - although his name, Peter Svensson, and picture with other journalists appears on some of those sites tonight - and I was criticized for "driving A.P. coverage" of the event." - Joe SheaHe went on.."Since the E Cat is just as important as the invention of the radio, the Internet, the light bulb and the atom bomb, and since - as DOE spokesman Sean Murphy told reporters in 2009 about the device's fundamental element, hydrogen - so it can completely replace oil by 2050, this reporter thought he was doing the A.P. a favor when he called up their national desk and told them about it just 30 hours or so before the test.""Associated Press Science Editor Kit Frieden (kfrieden@ap.org) didn't answer her phone when we called, but I'll will bet you dollars to donuts 1,500 calls from A.P. members would not get her to budge."There are no conspiracies, Joe" an A.P. editor in London told me. We sure wonder."Resist The SupressionI strongly urge everyone reading this to make it your priority to share, discuss, talk and propagate the eCat story as far and as wide as is possible within your social networks. Let the corporate media know that this won't go away..I wouldn't blame anyone for writing to, emailing or faxing AP to ask (politely) why they have chosen to spike the story of the century and keep countless millions living in ignorance of a clean energy future. Is it any wonder that newspaper readership is down year on year and that more and more people are finding their news from alternative sources who don't have corporate agendas?What has happened here is a form of free energy supression where hiding the truth is as simple as not telling the masses the news of revolutionary clean energy technology.AP Contact PageAP have some explaining to do.