Sunday, 11 December 2016

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Beware the consciousness merchants

Was reading Stripping the Gurus which gives a great exposé of Jiddu Krishnamurti.  What is it about people that they feel this need to change consciousness? Ie,  these gurus -nearly always men- offer the promise that they have changed their  own consciousness to a more blissful state, and that if you follow them, buy  their books, go to their talks, and apply what they say, you TOO will have what  they claim to have. So the formula goes like this:

They have, you lack, 
you want  what you think they have

Of course this is how cults work also, and religions (which are really just  larger cults, with branched-off cults), for the promise of some end result where  your consciousness will be changed 'purified', 'in the wink of an eye',  'redeemed' etc etc etc and you will gain 'immortality'. There meaning being  living for ever and ever and everrrr

This want for a change of consciousness is a big reason people take drugs, which  includes alcohol (in our culture it is often never admitted alcohol is a drug.  And thus people who drink will swear they don't do drugs). It is a desire to  escape one's present sense of consciousness which feels uncomfortable, bored,  and can  give exceeding pain. This maybe because of thoughts about troubles in the past,  present, and future, feeling numb, hurt, and so on.

So in this scenario it can be quite easy and lucrative for certain people to  exploit this boredom and  pain and urgent need to change consciousness, especially when the  promise is that this change can be permanent and even for all time.

It is now becoming clear thanks to researchers like John Allegro (The Sacred  Mushroom and the Cross), and Mike Crowley (The Secret Drugs of Buddhism), that  mythical 'gods' were really metaphors for consciousness-changing psychedelic  vegetation. 'Dionysos', 'Siva', 'Krishna', 'Indra', 'Quetzalcoatl', 'Jesus', etc are really  personified psychedelic mushrooms including concoctions made of shrooms and also  possibly other psychoactive plants and recipes. Hence the very basis of mythos  begins with the induced changes of consciousness inspired with psychedelics, and  other types of consciousness changing plants and concoctions!

Even in the secular corporate world which wages a war on such drug,  it simultaneously makes its  own drugs it pays millions to push which promise to treat chemical imbalances--ie, change consciousness, so that you will fit into its  conveyor-belt productive-consumerist oppressive hellhole --which it is for the majority of us.

So, what if we grasp that all these mythologies of the past with their complex  stories, many of which induce deep ingrained guilt, that the basis of all are  about psychedelic vegetation that when ingested helps to change consciousness from the  usually ordinary state to one that can be extraordinarily ecstatic? How does  this help us understand about the exploitation of our consciousness by those who  promise non-ending consciousness bliss or the 'normalcy' that every law-abiding educated upwardly-aspiring citizen should have?

I recently watched a documentary about this female therapist who was asked to  help violent children. The programme showed these young  per-adolescent children, seeming to be totally out of control. and violent. Usually in the way of things  in this culture the child would be targeted immediately as being to blame, and  then drugged, but this therapist as well as observing the child also observed and questioned the parent  (in the two episodes I saw  there was a single parent responsible for the kid) about their past relationship with their parents, and it was found that because they  had suffered trauma from their parents, this was affecting how they were  bringing up their own child, and thus exacerbating the child's troubled and often violent behaviour!  But really the problem for us does not just stop with damaged parents , but  involves the wider community, and the very culture, and 'world'---the corporate  world--- which is being imposed on more and more people worldwide.

It is notable that gurus, and those who swore they weren't gurus, as did J  Krishnamurti, and cults, and major religions, and secular society--they all are  against and forbid the taking of psychedelics! I think this shared proscription against consciousness-changing psychedelics  exposes their underlying  shared patriarchal authoritarianism which demands  consciousness be managed and controlled according to the rules of whatever story  is being pushed and regime has been established.

“If you are nothing more than a biological machine, then what you think doesn’t  matter. There is no you. Confirming this, deciding this, is the technocrat’s wet  dream.” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

Consciousness really, in its natural state, is not a static thing, but it is  twisty and turny, always changing, moods, emotions, feelings, thoughts~~~a  continuous stream which reflects also what is happening out there surrounding  it. There are extreme states such as negativity, and positivity, and notice that  cults such as the New Age cults always accentuate the 'positive' and blame you if  you dare show any 'negativity', like questioning their bullshit, or the culture.  They rather want to implant in you a  suggestion of a static state where must always have a  'positive' consciousness.

Same is so for the bliss-merchants, the gurus, who promise a static reality of  all-the-time-bliss. And of course the traditional religions which promise heaven and eternal life, as well as Eastern beliefs like Buddhism promising Nirvana after escaping 'ordinary consciousness', the physical body, and the whole natural world.

YouTube Destroys Itself With Enraging New Guidelines

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Dreams, Reality, and Psychedelics

My young men shall never work. Men who work cannot dream; and wisdom comes to us in dreams.
- Smohalla, founder of the dreamer religion

I am particularly interested in the Old English definition of the term 'dream' which meant 'joy, mirth, noisy merriment, and music' which is also claimed to be the root of its modern version 'sleeping vision' .

 I understand feel life, nature, reality to be dynamic rather than made up of things which are separates. So for example, although we can use terms like 'light' and 'dark' to denote differences in a dynamic, the actual is not being able to be pulled apart into two independent things which have no relation to each other for you can neither have light without dark, and vice verse, nor know light without darkness and vice verse. So in that spirit I move on into exploring the dynamic of dream and reality.

When we go to bed, we pass through vibratory cycles, such as the first awake stage called beta waves, and then gradually into alpha waves, then theta waves, and into the dreamless sleep of delta waves,; alpha and theta are the more dreamy and visionary states. These are the main wave states commonly known about. These vibratory stages are cyclic, so we go through to delta, but then on the way to waking up we go through the stages to beta, and of course it will not be linear, but involve a cyclic nature within. For dynamics are cyclic or of a spiral nature.

Now actually, in reality, we go through these vibratory states all day also, but this oppressive enslaving corporate civilization which demands 'wide-awakeness' (beta vaves) and 'cognitive focus' on the world they claim is the 'reality' , materialism, and capitalism, because it demands slaves who are both productive and consumers, for the state. All other vibratory experience are therefore frowned up, and they push drugs to evoke beta wide-awakeness with foods and drinks which have caffeine, and sugar, in them. Also they  push drugs such as Ritalin (amphetamine/'speed') onto children in their schools. If, for example, children should dare to daydream in class they can be seen to have a dis-order! I read a person's comment regarding this recently where he said he was diagnosed with 'ADHD' and put on Ritalin for drawing in a maths class!

So in day to day, the workplace' they want us in a beta vibratory wave state, but of course we also have leisure time away from the workplace, and so realizing  this they--the ones who create toxic myths which enslave-- will expropriate our alpha and theta vibratory states for their own purposes via television and cinema and sport which more often than not is continually chock-full of corporate advertising, and programs designed to push the agenda of this culture both overtly and subliminally.

Leonard Shlain claims that no matter what you watch in TV, or film you naturally go into alpha and theta wave vibratory states:

Beta waves are what you generate when you're concentrating on a task. Everyone knows that if you're trying to read a book, you have to concentrate. If you're in a real noisy room, you'll get up and find some place to sit that's quiet. But if you ask that person to look up from the book and start watching a television program—it doesn't matter what the content of the program is: cuddly koala bears or some violent cops and robbers program—what happens is the beta waves go away and alpha and theta waves come up.

Alpha and theta waves are what you generate when you meditate. Who here has not had the experience of going home after a hard day's work and taking that clicker in your hand and just kind of going into a trance watching television? When asked, people say that the word they most commonly use to describe watching television is "hypnotize." If you look at it from another way, if you put somebody in a brain scanner, you give him a book to read, and you measure brain activity, it doesn't matter what the book is—any reading will generate it—the whole left hemisphere is lit up, and the right hemisphere is relatively dark. If you ask the person to look up from the book and start watching any television program, the left hemisphere goes dark and the right hemisphere lights up. Now, in a world that has one television set for every two people on the planet, how could that not make a profound difference in our culture? source
 The predatory corporate warmongering mindset which has taken over the power positions, especially land and money, in this civilization, uses advertising to influence the repressed 'dreaming' mind, but first it prepares us for this via its enforced 'education' system which is meticulously contrived to divide us from the deeper dreaming depths of our dynamic being, and this is why it is now a 'disorder/mental illness' to even daydream, or draw, in an education system whose to curriculum subjects are all 'left brain' subjects such as maths, writing, science, whilst the more alpha and theta oriented subjects are either right at the bottom or not even included in the curriculum at all such as art, dance, music, drama, and this is the same pattern followed almost globally now!

So we are born into a culture which has sunk so low it pushes speed onto children in schools and 'care homes' and even their own homes, yet simultaneously and extremely ironically wages a so-called  'war on drugs'! And this war is also against psychedelics which themselves very much inspire a dreaming mind. Really it is a war on plants and fungi, because cannabis and psychedelic fungi are the main enemies of the drugwar State regarding allowing  people the freedom to pick, grow or cultivate them.

I want to reiterate that by saying 'dreaming' mind this in no way is meaning how this materialist culture would define dream, which casts out the deeper dynamic of our being as though it is not always a part of who we are. Dream does not mean delusion, and seeing-things-which-aren't-there. Implying that only a rational focused mind can see how things are in their essence is a myth. In fact the denying of the awareness of this deeper part of our bring destroys critical thinking, and is a reason people get sucked into the most absurd belief systems. It is because they have been disconnected from their own being via mindcontrol.

Psychedelics,  the original inspiration par excellence of the dreaming mind were actually called, in ancient Mexico, 'the flowery dream'. They dramatically reveal the interrelational dynamic of 'subjective' and 'objective', and how there can never be a totally independent objective out there unrelated to how we observe, feel, which doesn't mean 'out there' is not real of course. It rather means that we are a process which includes a spiral dynamic of 'in here' and 'out there'.
When children play they are doing this. They are naturally using imagination to playfully interact with the environment, but as they continually get slapped down in the schools for daydreaming, asking questions they shouldn't,  and 'playtime' is regulated by Pavlovian alarm bells, this sense of play and imagination is suppressed, and repressed, and from this trauma the culture then pushes its techno-matrix into/onto us which dulls us to the magic of actual living intelligent nature, and our connection with it. This is why we see more and more people obsessed with their little computer devices walking about in beautiful parks full of life oblivious to all the wonder around them. They are got by the tecno-hypnosis which they now need for constant stimulation. Even the eternal space for daydreaming has been bypassed because now instead of driftimg off into aimless daydreaming, they rather want to read a text, send on, watch some social media stuff, constantly buzzed for chit chat, etc. all of which limits their minds to consensual reality. The meaning of this part of an old Haiku poem would be lost to them~~

...The sound of water says what I think~~

This civilization through its fundamental religious age, and now its so-called 'age of reason, and science, wants to suppress imagination. It finds naturally free wild imagination dangerous. People may get 'funny ideas'. May not obey authority and start asking questions.

What is imagination?

This profit-obsessed culture dismisses naturally flowering imagination if it is not 'productive' and bringing it 'profit'. So say the scientist may imagine and work out some new way of thinking and application which then will get used for the corporate machine and its materialist ideology. It has been channeled to serve an oppressive enslaving State which drugs children if they don't conform to its definition of 'order'.

In the patriarchal mythos imagination was/is manipulated and channeled to believe the images of 'gods' and 'Gods', and abstract terms like 'Oneness'. These images were to be believed in literally, and so was their interpretation of 'spiritual reality' to be accepted as the 'truth'.

A good example of such manipulation of images is recorded in the Book of Genesis where the words of the text claimed to be the literal 'Word of God', malign these ancient preliterate images familiar and sacred to an ancient imagination, such as a Garden, Tree of Life, Goddess, Fruit of Knowledge and Inspiration and Life, the Serpent, nakedness, and of course ecstatic experience itself

The Magical Fruit is of course that which inspires ecstatic playful imaginative participatory relationship with nature and others. Living reality which is dynamic process~~~where life and death are not separate un-related 'things' but rather a mysteriously intertwined un-pin-downable spiral process which is always a dynamic of each other. This dynamic process can be seen from many perspectives: everytime my finger hits a key typing this is also the very death of that action, of that letter, every breath in I take exhale the death of it and the life of the inhale and vice verse; every death of each moment is the simultaneous life of the following moment, and so on. Most people are made to think that there is 'life' now and at the end of one's physical life there is 'death' which there is of course, but it is just the ongoing dynamic which is inherent in reality. Reality is not linear.

In the more ancient and preliteral mythos of the Goddess and/or Great Mother, the Serpent represented not static immortal life, which is preferred in patriarchal myths, but this cylic movement of life and death and regeneration, for the serpent sloughs its skin and underneath has new skin, but the Genesis story and its theological interpretations demonizes the serpent via words, forbids the 'Fruit of Immortality' and makes out that our natural state from then on we are guilty, sinful, and wrong. So this is a toxic myth which is all about divide and control, even dividing its gullible believer from their self, and then offering 'salvation' if you unquestiongly believe the very toxic myth which causes this sense of disconnection in the first place!
In Christian eschatology this mindcontrolling formula is sin and salvation, and in the myth which proceeds it and is 'our toxic myth' it is problem and solution. Psychologically this can be 'chemical imbalance' (problem) and psychiatric drugs or ECT (solution)!

So it is clear that in order for an authoritarian belief system to gain control over us it must first de-grade us, or rather make us feel degraded, and then offer the 'solution' which they promise will help rid us of the 'problem'. This is exactly the formula the advertising industry uses! Millions have a TV in their room pumping them millions of images and words saying what the images are to mean, along with subliminal manipulation of our 'unconscious', our dreaming mind

In this 'age of reason and science' it is not a 'God' telling you what's what via his 'Word, it is rather the 'expert' telling you, via 'science' that, for example, you have no freewill and are a robot consumer and are of no worth unless profit can be made by you and from you.

Please understand very deeply the vast loss we have suffered being spiritually and physically separated from our deeper being, and the land, and communities of others, including other species. This disconnection has been ruthlessly, violently, and relentlessly done to people over hundreds and hundreds of years.

And yet, amazingly, all this mindcontrol can in essence he utterly undone with a psychedelic trip!! Suddenly there is no barrier between dream and reality

EVERYTHING IS ALIVE. EVERYTHING IS DIVERSE. EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. EVERYTHING IS DYNAMIC, including dreaming and reality.And this itself, the experience, is dynamic. It is absurd to want it all the time. We cannot be that intensely ecstatic all the time, and the intensely ecstatic part of a psychedelic trip is its climax, and there is a gradual, though cyclic build up to it and same going down, like sex. And then many people will 'come down' and look back and judge their experience as 'distorting reality, instead of realizing that we are distorted since childhood in the schools to be divided from the potential depths of reality! We are not meant to see this, and be blind to how mindcontrol is done to us, and once again it can wrap around and into you. So critical thinking is important to look into this, and integrate the living insights we have, like how dreaming and reality are a dynamic, and doing this inspires imagination and playful spirit, and the spirit of activism. To join hands with others to end this evil fucking war on psychedelics! This is urgent, because blind people are destroying the quality of life for countless other species, and humans, and the children to come. So it requires the dynamic of utmost seriousness, and responsibility, as well as the ecstatic abandon to imaginative love and play with the natural world and others~~~

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Pippa Jones Interviewing Ben Griffin on Chilcot Findings

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Ek~stasis, Chaos, Images, and Psychedelics


-- In science 'chaos' is when the temperature is very high and there are no atoms, but as temperature is cooled atoms form, cooler still,  molecules form,  more cooling, more complex molecules, then liquid, then crystalline structured forms and so forth. Thus forms come from 'chaos'.

And then there is Chaos Theory:

What is Chaos Theory?

Chaos is the science of surprises, of the nonlinear and the unpredictable. It teaches us to expect the unexpected. While most traditional science deals with supposedly predictable phenomena like gravity, electricity, or chemical reactions, Chaos Theory deals with nonlinear things that are effectively impossible to predict or control, like turbulence, weather, the stock market, our brain states, and so on. These phenomena are often described by fractal mathematics, which captures the infinite complexity of nature. Many natural objects exhibit fractal properties, including landscapes, clouds, trees, organs, rivers etc, and many of the systems in which we live exhibit complex, chaotic behavior. Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world can give us new insight, power, and wisdom. For example, by understanding the complex, chaotic dynamics of the atmosphere, a balloon pilot can “steer” a balloon to a desired location. By understanding that our ecosystems, our social systems, and our economic systems are interconnected, we can hope to avoid actions which may end up being detrimental to our long-term well-being. (source)

 I wonder then about the meaning of 'chaos' in mythology and the psyche how do we relate that scientific information to the more 'subjective' experiences from myth and imagination and subjective experience?

chaos (n.) Look up chaos at

late 14c., "gaping void," from Old French chaos (14c.) or directly from Latin chaos, from Greek khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open, is vast and empty," from *khnwos, from PIE root *gheu- "to gape, yawn" (cognates: Greek khaino "I yawn," Old English ginian, Old Norse ginnunga-gap; see yawn (v.)).

Meaning "utter confusion" (c. 1600) is extended from theological use of chaos for "the void at the beginning of creation" in Vulgate version of Genesis (1530s in English). The Greek for "disorder" was tarakhe, however the use of chaos here was rooted in Hesiod ("Theogony"), who describes khaos as the primeval emptiness of the Universe, begetter of Erebus and Nyx ("Night"), and in Ovid ("Metamorphoses"), who opposes Khaos to Kosmos, "the ordered Universe." Meaning "orderless confusion" in human affairs is from c. 1600. Chaos theory in the modern mathematical sense is attested from c. 1977.

One of the earliest patriarchal mythic battles against 'CHAOS', as represented by the creatrix Mother Goddess (and vice verse), Tiamat, is instigated by the upstart sun god Marduk, , this story recorded in the ancient Babylonian creation myth the Enuma Elish.  Tiamat is envisioned as a great sea serpent monster of, the deep, chaos.

 Tiamat is on the left, and Marduk is on the right


“Propaganda works by way of true myth, imagery which instantly affects our emotions. This archetypal imagery is brought to life by pharmaco-shamanic rites in tribal cultures, and those rites are criminalized and coopted by their industrial conquerors…This cultural genocide effectively turned once independent people into farm animals – andropa as the Greeks put it, ‘human-footed stock’…Graves: “The institution of patriarchy ends the period of true myth…” Graves says that all true poetry celebrates the 13 lunar months of the ancient year, the birth, life, death and resurrection of the God of the Waxing year, who is the son,lover and victim of the 3 fold Goddess, the Muse of all true poets….”(Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda, Dan Russell, page 116)

propaganda (n.) Look up propaganda at
1718, "committee of cardinals in charge of Catholic missionary work," short for Congregatio de Propaganda Fide "congregation for propagating the faith," a committee of cardinals established 1622 by Gregory XV to supervise foreign missions. The word is properly the ablative fem. gerundive of Latin propagare (see propagation). Hence, "any movement to propagate some practice or ideology" (1790). Modern political sense dates from World War I, not originally pejorative. Meaning "material or information propagated to advance a cause, etc." is from 1929.

'Propaganda' originated with the Church and patriarchal religion, and the secular world of Corporatism uses the same techniques:

Here's my main point.  We need to understand how corporate propaganda works; we need to accept the fact that the repetition of images, printed words, and the spoken word have an incredibly powerful effect on the human psyche...” [source]

IMAGES come from the IMAGE-ination. Images of gods, of voids, and of nature, and ourselves:

imagination (n.) Look up imagination at

"faculty of the mind which forms and manipulates images," mid-14c., ymaginacion, from Old French imaginacion "concept, mental picture; hallucination," from Latin imaginationem (nominative imaginatio) "imagination, a fancy," noun of action from past participle stem of imaginari (see imagine).
"faculty of the mind which forms and manipulates images,"

When images become static. solid, literalized, is this because the energy and 'temperature' of consciousness has become more and more cold, and thus the forms 'crystallize' and loose their liquidity? Where when we are energized, in the throes of play, inspired ecstatic release with the help of psychedelics the energy is flowing and less frozen and static.

St Anthony being attacked by demons

Some early followers of Christianity,  like St Anthony, suppressing sexual desire, and all sensual desire, to lead a life of  celibacy, and asceticism, living as hermits, reported experiencing demons attacking them, and these visions have been expressed in art (see above). Could it be that these 'demons' are rather manifest images of the imagination caused by a fear othering 'objectively' what they understand as 'chaos' 'internally'? Namely seemingly uncontrollable desires which when suppressed to an extremist extent will actually manifest as 'monsters' which seem wholly alien to the person experincing such phenomena? Not understanding or aware of the underlying process they cause by their thinking.

In her book From a Broken Web, Catherine Keller reveals that the original patriarchal 'monsters' are female, because the female was/is associated with the physical sensual body, and nature and other species, and 'the unconscious', also anciently, the Otherworld/Underworld.
 So taboo is the indentity of the patriarchal 'monster' as being the Mother, and/or female, that many patriarchal narratives like Judaeo Christianity do not even mention their main 'antagonist' to even be female, but rather male, like their 'Satan/Devil'. 

The image Christianity's central  scapegoat is, as usual, for patriarchy's general mythical monsters a composite of beings; animal, and human. and reptile etc., and in the depiction of the Devil on the right (below) you see the hint of women's breasts also!

 'Jesus' is very powerful image portrayed in religious art and film. The terrible image of 'Jesus' being crucified  which many of the masters of art have painted has had a deep emotional effect on children and adults for many generations, and this continues, also with film,  moving images/ 'movies', such as  the film The Passion of Christ:

The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing R-rated film in United States history, the highest grossing religious film,[15] and the highest grossing non-English-language film of all time.[16]

  The images of suffering Jesus are meant to affect people's emotion, and doing so can over-ride reason or critical thinking (there have been reports of believers actually manifesting 'stigmata', their hands bleeding, because in the Bible it is claimed Jesus had wounds in his hands). For example, now we know there is no actual historical evidence for a Jesus of Nazareth, and from a reasonable critical understanding the story makes no sense at all if taken literally, and is absurd; about 'God's only son' being born from a 'Virgin' in historical time. These themes and motifs are all too familiar in more ancient mythological narratives which did not posture, like Christianity does, as having to be taken literally as historical events. The Christian myth of Jesus obviously the work of groups of myth-makers  presenting mythology to be an historical document.

 Studying John Allegro's groundbreaking book The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross , however, where he  critically examined original Judaeo Christian texts revealed deeper hidden levels of meanings to the text and symbolism which make far more sense than any superficial literal rendering.

Literalist Christian mythology is designed via words and images to instill IMAGES- about- reality: the 'Son of God, Jesus Christ', 'Satan/the Devil', the 'Virgin Mary'  'Hell' or  'Heaven' and so on as a means of emotional mind-control for social control of the gullible to suit an authoritarian hier-archy.

hierarchy (n.) Look up hierarchy at
late 14c., jerarchie, ierarchie, "rank in the sacred order; one of the three divisions of the nine orders of angels;" loosely, "rule, dominion," from Old French ierarchie (14c., Modern French hiérarchie), from Medieval Latin hierarchia "ranked division of angels" (in the system of Dionysius the Areopagite), from Greek hierarkhia "rule of a high priest," from hierarkhes "high priest, leader of sacred rites," from ta hiera "the sacred rites" (neuter plural of hieros "sacred;" see ire) + arkhein "to lead, rule" (see archon). Sense of "ranked organization of persons or things" first recorded 1610s, initially of clergy, sense probably influenced by higher.

 We think in images, and we are always feeling emotions, all of which is natural. Patriarchal religions like Judaeo Christianity and Islam pretend to be anti image whilst then are, on the other hand,  hypocritically invoking very powerful IMAGES of 'gods' and 'Gods' and 'demons' and all kinds of ideas you are supposed to sacrifice your life and others' lives too, and also promising experiences of heavens of light and eternal life, and inducing paranoid fear of terrifying dreadful everlasting hells (and some of the artists' depictions of Hell are some of the most powerful dramatic emotion-laden images even more so than artist's images of heaven) and being catered to after you die a hero--if your a man that is--by 70 hot virgins, etc. ALL of this is imagery that takes root in the psyche and influences your action. In other world-denying patriarchal pagan polytheistic cultures also there was promulgated the images of 'gods' who were needing to be appeased through blood sacrifice.
But we are always to think of ourselves lesser than and under the control of either gods/God and the men who represent them, and demons/Devil depending on who choice we make. Towards 'good' or towards 'evil'.

Demon tormenting a damned soul in Hell

Images from Goddess, and oral traditions, and indigenous traditions,  like the very ancient images of The Tree of Life, and its ever-present Serpent guardian, of its Fruit of Life, Ecstasy and Immortality are benign mythical images which are metaphors for connection between us and all aspects of consciousness and reality. Having ecstatic experience in communion with nature, involving sensuality and sexuality would be/is embraced in celebration. However, via the invention and implementation of the relatively new technology of writing, which, employed by a patriarchal dualistic controlling mindset, de-graded and demonized these images of the imagination, and the actual fruits which inspire/d  deep sense of relationship with nature,  this move by the patriarchal writers was a contrived propaganda of divide and control, and a prime example of such degradation  is witnessed in the narrative of the Book of Genesis. In this cooption of the ancient myth of The Garden of the Goddess (she also being the very Garden itself), the Tree of Knowledge and Life and their fruit are forbidden, and for 'daring' to eat the magic fruit,  the mythical characters Adam and Eve are thrown out of the Garden of Paradise by the 'God'. As I am emphasizing this 'creation myth' is trying to impose world-denying IMAGES on the reader which de-grade the benign understanding and experience of the world-friendly ones.

 The Serpent, cursed by the 'God', and those who disobey' 'Him' and eat the consciousness-expanding fruit are made outcasts and cursed to suffer,  as well, the whole of the natural world is cursed (because nature is anciently associated with the Great Mother) and this is the 'fall of man'! Thus far more ancient and preliteral, and benign, mythological imagination representing and directly experiencing ecstatic connection with the body, others, other species, and nature, and their mysterious depths, is stigmatized by the authority and its text, words claimed to be the very  'Word of God'.

Mythology, as is imagination, is never meant to be writ in stone, but is a dynamic narrative. it is alive and unique to the individual. In your own heart when experiencing ecstasy in a celebratory way, with deep reverence for nature, you do not have to be told by some text or words how you should feel. Feeling is spontaneous, and there does not have to be a script to follow, or music sheet to play from. The spirit, the serpentine mysterious energy is felt, and this was why it was also known as enthousiasmos.

enthusiasm (n.) Look up enthusiasm at
c. 1600, from Middle French enthousiasme (16c.) and directly from Late Latin enthusiasmus, from Greek enthousiasmos "divine inspiration, enthusiasm (produced by certain kinds of music, etc.)," from enthousiazein "be inspired or possessed by a god, be rapt, be in ecstasy," from entheos "divinely inspired, possessed by a god," from en "in" (see en- (2)) + theos "god" (see theo-). Acquired a derogatory sense of "excessive religious emotion through the conceit of special revelation from God" (1650s) under the Puritans; generalized meaning "fervor, zeal" (the main modern sense) is first recorded 1716.

Dionysos and Satyrs in ecstatic dance

Daemonia Nymphe - Hymn to Bacchus 




'ek' means away from/beyond  'stasis'stoppage, arrest, esp. of growth...constant cause to stand 

Although common in shamanic circles to define 'ecstasy' as specifically originally meaning 'spirit-flight', because of reports of the shaman's trance involving the shaman in his ritual falling down as if dead and then his 'spirit' fly's off out of his prone body, I much prefer to define ecstasy in an embodied way. In this respect ec~stasis can be understood as liberation from one's 'ordinary' self/persona/ego/mask.

 I do not discount 'spirit flight', but from what I have learnt about dualistic interpretations of reality, there is a devaluation of the body, and belief of 'spirit' being trapped in the body and nature. I therefore see a danger in emphasizing dis-embodied ecstasy and much prefer seeing ecstasy as dynamic process, whereby there is no inner/outer duality. 'It' is more like the wave~particle dynamic process, the essential paradox of Quantum Physics where how we see reality, as particle-like or wave-like, depends on the experiment which is experienced. Neither part of the process is either worse or better than the other.

Therefore, I  much prefer the translation and interpretation of ecstasy as being freedom from normal identity. This, for me, is a far deeper understanding. So next question would be what is normal identity?


identity (n.) Look up identity at
c. 1600, "sameness, oneness," from Middle French identité (14c.), from Late Latin (5c.) identitatem (nominative identitas) "sameness," from ident-, comb. form of Latin idem (neuter) "the same" (see identical); abstracted from identidem "over and over," from phrase idem et idem. [For discussion of Latin formation, see entry in OED.] Earlier form of the word in English was idemptitie (1560s), from Medieval Latin idemptitas. Term identity crisis first recorded 1954. Identity theft attested from 1995.

In our culture whose central social controlling myth is the mental illness myth to have a sense of identity means to fear not being 'normal'!

OK so we can define ec_stasy/ek~stasis as liberation from/out of one's normal self/identity/ego/persona/mask

 Patriarchal cultures suppress our natural right for ecstatic experience. Not only that, this culture has central to its social controlling 'law and order' its mental illness myth which escalates the pathologizing of natural emotions and feelings, and also extreme states which can involve visionary experiences, and/or hearing voices. We are oppressed into a demanded 'normal' identity, and if we are seen by the 'experts' many of us go to, or are sent to, for various psychological distress, we get viewed as abnormal and pushed drugs, and even locked up and forced drugs! This situation is the epitome of oppression

from Latin oppressionem (nominative oppressio) "a pressing down; violence

We are being pressed down into a static sense of identity, and many thus seek desperate escape routes through various habits including drugs and alcohol (which is a drug), but also work, shopping, video games, obsession with sex, obsession with knowledge, with 'becoming 'enlightened', etc. these habits can become very destructive, because all the time we are faced with a 'return' to the identity we are 'normalized' in via cultural oppression, and made to feel wrong in how we are, and will do anything to try and escape that sense of oppression.  This is truly brutality to the body, mind and soul and community. It is all like being forced into a straight jacket for the body and soul!

normal (adj.) Look up normal at
c. 1500, "typical, common;" 1640s, "standing at a right angle," from Late Latin normalis "in conformity with rule, normal," from Latin normalis "made according to a carpenter's square," from norma "rule, pattern," literally "carpenter's square" (see norm). Meaning "conforming to common standards, usual" is from 1828, but probably older than the record [Barnhart].

As a noun meaning "usual state or condition," from 1890. Sense of "normal person or thing" is from 1894. Normal school (1834) is from French école normale (1794), a republican foundation. The city of Normal, Illinois, U.S., was named 1857 for the normal school established there.

Any subject explored, especially ones as deep as this you need to be aware of the terms you are using which is why I am defining main terms I am choosing.. The image came before writing and reading, and letters and written words first began as IMAGES, and only later became more and more abstract marks to represent abstract sounds, which as we know are also sensual when spoken as breath.
Letters and words were originally images, and images re-present and lead us to nature, and nature talks to us in images.

Now take the name in mythology, 'Dionysos': as John Allegro shows, when we explore the roots of this name we are led NOT to an actual literal 'god',  gon~man, or human, but to a consciousness changing vegetation! So when we find this out, this clears up a lot of wordy-roads of nonesense that has been pushed by control-freak manipulators of mythology.
 For it was the ancient Orphic philosophical mystery school which was first to set their manipulation of myth down in writing and made out Dionysos was a literal god-man who was attacked by their enemy, and then somehow a spark of 'him' was trapped in human bodies. And such stories feed images, as explained above, which affect our sense of reality. To feel trapped in our body and nature and then look to the authority in-forming us of this so as to help save us. But to see through that mind-control is to dig that all we need is eat the 'Dionysos' (or whatever other names have been used in myth and legend and fairytale to refer to this mind-expanding vegetation) and explore our own unique ecstasy!

'Numerous Greek vases picture themselves in the hands of ecstatic Bacchae ladling out entheogenic potion from an altar sprouting roots out of which arises a vegetal Dionysos, a human-faced tree sprouting branches' (Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda, Dan Russell page 149)


The mythical effeninate god~man, Dionysos, has held a fascination for me especially when I see deeper associations connecting hir with psychedelic mushrooms, ecstasy, eroticism, nature, masks.

 Mask of Dionysos (by John Soares) Photo by Rink © 1984 From The God of Ecstasy, Sex Roles and the Madness of Dionysos by Arthur Evans,

 Lysios = Dionysus the Deliverer – from the ordinary world into divine madness

'Masks are symbols for the surrender of as well as the transformation of identity. By way of masking, we have the power and the freedom to take on a new persona and experiment with new ways of being and feeling. These are the gifts of Dionysos, whose idols were often simply a mask set atop a post or pillar draped with vegetation. At the mystical level, the gift of masking goes deeper than tinkering with identity; it is the call to lose one’s self entirely within Dionysos, to be filled with the god himself (a.k.a, enthousiasmos, meaning possession by a god). The mask – an extension of Dionysos’ power – obscures the identity of the wearer and allows the wearer to fall into the Dionysian current, to be as a maenad in a ecstatic revelry or as a player in ancient Greek theatre creating a character by shedding his own.' (Masking: A Dionysian Mystery)

'Freedom from the 'ordinary world', from ' normal identity'.

Also from stasis/static/ the 'State'/con-form-ity to the State = 'normal identity'.

 The oppression and pressure from the 'mental illness' myth-makers and drug pushers to be 'normal'!!!

 We are being more and more pressed into what they demand is 'normal'. And when the natural human response is to feel rightfully dis-eased from such press-uer, every, feeling, emotion, thought, is being called a mental illness/dis-order/chaos which presses us down further and further...tighter...


So, a question could be asked: 'if there is no 'enlightenment', and its pursuit is a cruel con, because to set up the goal, and/or be promised it,  of becoming enlightened, then this inevitably means a continuing dis-satisfaction with how we are and feel 'ordinarily' day to day, then how does experiencing ecstatic experience relate to it?

I would answer: From my experience people who make out they are 'enlightened', and your are not, nearly always try and put their followers off trying psychedelics, or they suggest you just try them to gain insight and then 'put down the phone'. But I see more of a regular need for ec~stasis, especially in a brutally oppressive system which makes a pathology of nearly every human feeling like this patriarchal religious/mechanistic one does.

Alan Watts and J Krishnamurti

A great influence for me when I was younger was Alan Watts. I had been turned onto LSD when I was a youngen of 15, and the years following were tough for various reasons, but I was trying to integrate what I had been through, and this involved the pursuit of books. I went through many authors, and even joined a cult (but was very quick to escape) , and it was Alan and his book Cloudhidden Whereabouts Unknown which really spoke to me. But I was very chocked years later to find he had self-destructed on alcohol. I have had people very close to me suffer in varying degrees from alcoholism and it is a terrible thing to experience with someone you love. So this being the case with someone like Alan who would talk and write about being with 'what is' has inspired a lot of inquiry on my part wondering why which I would like to reflect on.

He was very influenced by Eastern ideas, especially Zen, though of course in his own unique way. Though he would often talk about the 'social fiction of the ego' and how the 'master Zennist' and/or guru--who he claimed had themselves seen the fiction of the ego would trick their followers, especially in Zen, to so push the extremes of contradiction within themselves that they would ramtically experience Satori

satori (n.) Look up satori at
1727, from Japanese, said to mean literally "spiritual awakening." [also: 'seeing into one's true nature]

And Alan would describe the 'awakening' as feeling as light as a leaf. So this is revealing in the light of a claimed quote of Alan Watts', that he did not like himself sober. Was drinking the some way to try and capture what he craved? There was also a 'romantic' old zennist movement which embraced drinking wine and not feeling guilt about being 'joyously drunk' and this would have been an IMAGE that influenced Alan's destructiveness?

But the main point is his dissatisfaction with what he saw as 'ego' which got in the way of some idealistic lightness of being. hence the search for enlightenment demanded a prerequisite general dissatisfaction with 'sober' life.

When I read of Alan Watt's interest in J Krishnamuti (K), this influences me to read  K's books, and for a time I became a little obsessed. It was the classic -not S&M scenario-but the Guru/follower shit where you are supposed to have a lack, and 'he' hasn't and so you want what he's got. Hence you are made to not feel alright with how you are, your changing self. Well I see through that now. Real ecstasy is losing control OF that need to be 'enlightened' or 'realized', and is best inspired with psychedelics. After which it is best not to get tangled up in mystical promises of forever blissland