Monday, 19 August 2019

Google "Machine Learning Fairness" Whistleblower Goes Public, says: "bur...

This video is about an ex Google employee who has blown the whistle on how they are trying to manipulate people. The reason I am posting it here is because he says how when he did this they threatened him with a 'WELLNESS CHECK'. Ie they implied that because he was exposing their doings this meant he was 'mentally ill'. Now I have heard this a lot. There was a woman whose job in the military was to document the materials being use etc, and she found out that chemicals and whatnot were being used in secret Geoeingineering. She thought reporting this to her senior in command was the correct thing to do but she was also advised to have a wellness check. These cases totally expose how the mental illness myth is used by authority to keep you from questioning oppression, and injust and wrong actions by those who are in authority however this is judged to be. IE we may get 'depressed', 'anxiious' and there may very well be real reasons why we do. An oppressive system causing all kinds of life problems, but to stop THAT being examined too closely they want YOU to have a 'wellness check'!!!

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